Nonlinear plane waves in saturated porous media with incompressible constituents

H. Berjamin (2021). "Nonlinear plane waves in saturated porous media with incompressible constituents", Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477(2250), 20210086.

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We consider the propagation of nonlinear plane waves in porous media within the framework of the Biot–Coussy biphasic mixture theory. The tortuosity effect is included in the model, and both constituents are assumed incompressible (Yeoh-type elastic skeleton, and saturating fluid). In this case, the linear dispersive waves governed by Biot’s theory are either of compression or shear-wave type, and nonlinear waves can be classified in a similar way. In the special case of a neo-Hookean skeleton, we derive the explicit expressions for the characteristic wave speeds, leading to the hyperbolicity condition. The sound speeds for a Yeoh skeleton are estimated using a perturbation approach. Then we arrive at the evolution equation for the amplitude of acceleration waves. In general, it is governed by a Bernoulli equation. With the present constitutive assumptions, we find that longitudinal jump amplitudes follow a nonlinear evolution, while transverse jump amplitudes evolve in an almost linearly degenerate fashion.

Preprint: arXiv.2101.09507

Biological material, Finite strain, Porous material, Nonlinear waves, Dynamics