On the accuracy of one-way approximate models for nonlinear waves in soft solids
H. Berjamin (2023). "On the accuracy of one-way approximate models for nonlinear waves in soft solids", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153, 1924-1932. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0017681
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Simple strain-rate viscoelasticity models of isotropic soft solid are introduced. The constitutive equations account for finite strain, incompressibility, material frame-indifference, nonlinear elasticity, and viscous dissipation. A nonlinear viscous wave equation for the shear strain is obtained exactly and corresponding one-way Burgers-type equations are derived by making standard approximations. Analysis of the travelling wave solutions shows that these partial differential equations produce distinct solutions, and deviations are exacerbated when wave amplitudes are not arbitrarily small. In the elastic limit, the one-way approximate wave equation can be linked to simple wave theory and shock wave theory, thus, allowing direct error measurements.
Preprint: arXiv.2301.03284
Nonlinear acoustics, Viscoelastic material, Finite strain, Soft solids, Burgers equation