Transversal topics
Nonlinear elastodynamics, Soft solids, Finite volume method
Nonlinear elastodynamics, Soft solids, Finite volume method
H. Berjamin, B. Lombard, C. Vergez, E. Cottanceau (2017). "Time-domain numerical modeling of brass instruments including nonlinear wave propagation, viscothermal losses, and lips vibration", Acta Acustica united with Acustica 103(1), 117-131.
H. Berjamin, N. Favrie, B. Lombard, G. Chiavassa (2017). "Nonlinear waves in solids with slow dynamics: an internal-variable model", Proceedings of the Royal Society A 473(2201), 20170024.
H. Berjamin, B. Lombard, G. Chiavassa, N. Favrie (2017). "Analytical solution to 1D nonlinear elastodynamics with general constitutive laws", Wave Motion 74, 35-55.
H. Berjamin, B. Lombard, G. Chiavassa, N. Favrie (2018). "Modeling longitudinal wave propagation in nonlinear viscoelastic solids with softening", International Journal of Solids and Structures 141-142, 35-44.
H. Berjamin, B. Lombard, G. Chiavassa, N. Favrie (2018). "A finite-volume approach to 1D nonlinear elastic waves: Application to slow dynamics", Acta Acustica united with Acustica 104(4), 561-570.
H. Berjamin, B. Lombard, G. Chiavassa, N. Favrie (2019). "Plane-strain waves in nonlinear elastic solids with softening", Wave Motion 89, 65-78.
H. Berjamin, W. J. Parnell, M. Destrade (2021). "On the thermodynamic consistency of Quasi-linear viscoelastic models for soft solids", Mechanics Research Communications 111, 103648.
H. Berjamin (2021). "Nonlinear plane waves in saturated porous media with incompressible constituents", Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477(2250), 20210086.
H. Berjamin, M. Destrade (2021). "A hyperbolic framework for shear sound beams in nonlinear solids", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 103, 106036.
H. Berjamin, S. Chockalingam (2022). "Shear shock formation in incompressible viscoelastic solids", Wave Motion 110, 102899.
H. Berjamin, R. De Pascalis (2022). "Acoustoelastic analysis of soft viscoelastic solids with application to pre-stressed phononic crystals", International Journal of Solids and Structures 241, 111529.
H. Berjamin (2023). "On the accuracy of one-way approximate models for nonlinear waves in soft solids", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153, 1924-1932.
H. Berjamin, M. Destrade, G. Saccomandi (2024). "Singular travelling waves in soft viscoelastic solids of rate type", European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 103, 105144.
G. Small, H. Berjamin, V. Balbi (2024). "Poynting effect in fluid-saturated poroelastic soft materials in torsion", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 159, 104601.
H. Berjamin, A. L. Gower (2024). "Universality of the angled shear wave identity in soft viscous solids", Extreme Mechanics Letters 68, 102139.
H. Berjamin, M. Destrade (2024). "Models of fractional viscous stresses for incompressible materials", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 30(2), 540-555.
H. Berjamin (2025). "Computation of viscoelastic shear shock waves using finite volume schemes with artificial compressibility", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 41(2), e70012.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate course, Centrale Méditerranée, 2016
Undergraduate course, Centrale Méditerranée, 2019
Undergraduate course, University of Galway, 2020
Undergraduate course, University of Galway, 2020
Undergraduate course, University of Galway, 2022
Undergraduate course, University of Galway, 2024